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Do All Spinal Cord Injuries Cause Paralysis?

spinal cord xray

No. Miraculously, some people suffer spinal cord injuries and make full recoveries. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, the extent of disability depends on where along the spinal cord the injury occurs and the severity of the injury.

Complete vs. Incomplete Spinal Cord Injuries

Complete spinal cord injuries result in paralysis because they eliminate nerve communications and sensory and motor function below the level of injury.

Incomplete spinal cord injuries allow the spinal cord to transmit some messages to and from the brain. People with incomplete injuries are more likely to retain function, feeling, and control below the level of injury.

Does Treatment Help?

Thanks to advances in medicine, emergency personnel can minimize secondary damage to the spinal cord, which can mitigate some of the negative effects and increase the potential for recovery. In some cases, prompt and aggressive emergency care is associated with better functional recovery.

Unfortunately, there is no way to reverse the primary damage caused by the injury. As such, those with complete spinal cord injuries frequently end up with paraplegia (paralysis affecting the legs and lower body) and quadriplegia (paralysis affecting all limbs).

Researchers are still working on ways to advance spinal cord repair and restore function to people with spinal cord injuries.

Does the Cause of the Spinal Cord Injury Make a Difference?

The most common causes of spinal cord injuries include motor vehicle accidents and serious falls. Other causes include acts of violence, sports injuries, surgical errors, and disease.

When it comes to whether a spinal cord injury will cause paralysis, the cause does not matter as much as where the injury occurs and how severe the injury is. Some people break their neck and make a full recovery, while others fracture vertebrae and face paralysis and other complications.

Nevertheless, the cause can make a difference in spinal cord injury lawsuits. If someone else causes a car accident that leaves you with a serious spinal cord injury, for example, that person will be liable for your medical care, missed wages, and other losses.

By taking legal action, you could receive a settlement or verdict that supports your quality of life as you adapt to and move forward from your devastating injury. A successful settlement or verdict can help you access:

  • Top-quality healthcare
  • Regular income
  • Experimental treatments and therapies
  • Prescription medication
  • Assistive care and devices
  • Modifications to your surroundings that allow you to retain your independence
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Vocational rehabilitation
  • Education
  • Recreation therapy
  • Mental health counseling
  • And more

Spinal cord injuries do not always result in paralysis, and even when they do, a spinal cord injury does not have to mean the end of life as you know it.

Many people who suffer spinal cord injuries and paralysis go on to live rich and satisfying lives. All you need is the right resources, and The Dickinson Law Firm can help you recover them.

Discuss your case with us during a free consultation and put more than 40 years of experience on your side. We prepare every case for trial by jury, and you will have access to our entire team when you call us at (770) 924-8155 or send us a message online.